Escolar M, Bradshaw J, Tharp Byers V, Giugliani R, Golightly L, Marques Lorenco C, McDonald K, Muschol N, Newsom-Davis I, O’Neill C, Peay HL, Siedman J, Solano ML, Wirt T, Wood T, Zwaigenbaum L
Development of a clinical algorithm for the early diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis III.
Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism & Screening. 2020 Feb; 8: 1-9M

Sartorious S, Newsom-Davis I, Grunewald S, Dale N
Difficulties in basic numerical operations in children with classical galactosaemia: a particular role for working memory and visuospatial skills
[Poster BIMDG, Nottingham, June 2018]

Adams H, Augustine E, Baron IS, Bjoraker K, Cohen-Pfeffer J, Delaney K, Elmerskog B, Newsom-Davis I, Nickel M, Rust S, Shapiro E, Tøssebro A, Schulz A
Monitoring Neuropsychological Function in CLN2 Disease
[Poster American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics meeting April 2018]

Gittins S, Steel D, Brunklaus A, Newsom-Davis I, Hawkins C, Aylett SE.
Autism spectrum disorder, social communication difficulties, and developmental comorbidities in Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Nov;88:1-4.

Goldstein LH, Newsom-Davis IC, Bryant V, Brammer M, Leigh PN, Simmons A.
Altered patterns of cortical activation in ALS patients during attention and cognitive response inhibition tasks.
J Neurol. 2011 Dec; 258(12):2186-98.